Kephart Announces Act 13 Funding for Stinky Run

February 14, 2025

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Dallas Kephart (R-Cambria/Clearfield) today shared that Clearfield Borough has received $125,000 of Act 13 funding to assist in the construction of a 3,000-foot flood protection project along Stinky Run.

“The Stinky Run project seeks to replace a currently undersized culvert system along the run,” shared Kephart. “This money is in addition to the money set aside by the Department of General Services for a large overhaul.” 

The current culvert frequently experiences debris blockages and sedimentation build-up and only has a capacity for a two-year storm event. The project seeks to increase capacity for a 100-year storm event and prevent debris and sediment build-up to greatly reduce the threat of flooding in the area. Construction of the project is expected to begin in 2027 with an 18-month expected duration. 

Act 13 of 2012 created the Marcellus Legacy Fund. The Commonwealth Financing Authority distributes the Marcellus Legacy Fund to counties, municipalities and Commonwealth agencies for initiatives such as abandoned mine drainage, abandoned well plugging, sewage treatment, watershed restoration, flood control and more. This funding comes from unconventional gas well impact fees. 

Applications for Act 13 grants will be accepted between Feb. 1 and May 31.

Representative Dallas Kephart
73rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Matthew Davis

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